Saturday, 30 March 2024


Blog Theme - 05

Quoting a relevant example in todays live context we could describe TikTok Campaign against substance abuse platform. A tiktok profile dedicated to addressing the substance abuse and addiction issues among young people in Finalnd. The profile features short, engaging videos that creates awareness about the consequences of substance abuse, provide tips for eradicating addiction, and promote healthier lifestyle the content includes personal stories, expert advice and interactive challenges aimed at encouraging young people to reflect on their behaviors and seek help if needed.

The ways in means of reaching the target group: TikTok's algorithm-driven content distribution to reach a wide audience of young people aged 15-25 they use trending hashtags in relation to substance abuse, addiction recovery, and mental health to increase the visibility of their videos Additionally, they collaborate with popular TikTok influencers who have a large following among the target demography and thereby amplifying their message and expanding their reach


Another example could be illustrated as Instagram Live Sessions for Peer Support Platform: Instagram Profile: Instagram profile that organizes live sessions and Q&A sessions to address bullying among young people in Finland is another example that we can describe to the related topic. They invite psychologists, educators, and peer mentors to participate in these sessions, providing professional and expert advice, sharing personal experiences, and offering practical strategies for dealing with bullying. The profile also features testimonials from bullying survivors and success stories of individuals who have recovered or overcomes  bullying and rebuilt their confidence.

How They Reach the Target Group: Instagram's live feature to engage directly with young people in real-time, allowing them to ask questions, share their experiences, and seek advice in a safe and supportive environment. They promote their live sessions through Instagram stories, posts, and collaborations with other anti-bullying organizations and influencers. By leveraging Instagram's visual content format and interactive features, they create a sense of community and solidarity among young people affected by bullying.

But the power of digital activism doesn't stop with organized profiles. Young people themselves are becoming agents of change, using platforms like YouTube, Twitter, and Snapchat to amplify their voices and advocate for social justice. Whether it's through vlogs, tweets, or Snapchat stories, they are sparking conversations, challenging norms, and mobilizing their peers to address issues that affect their lives.

As we look to the future of social work in Europe, it's clear that digital platforms will play an increasingly vital role in engaging and empowering young people. By harnessing the reach and accessibility of social media, we can create inclusive spaces where youth voices are heard, valued, and empowered to drive meaningful change in their communities




  1. Your post sounded so inspiring<3

  2. The TikTok campaign is especially successful in spreading awareness about the negative effects of substance addiction and encouraging better lifestyles because it makes use of brief, entertaining videos. They draw in their intended audience and inspire thoughtful contemplation and action by blending personal tales, professional guidance, and interactive challenges. Nice blog!

  3. Agreed with your information. Encouraging open communication through Q&A is a acceptance point.


Early Byte-sized Learning

Written by Carol Batista Caputo,   Jagath Jayawardena, Gayani Karunarathne,  Radhipa Fiona Perera, Liman Ren, Julia Ruohomaa, Wedala Gedara,...