Nuortenlinkki (Youth Link)
Nuortenlinkki is a website for young people with themes such as intoxicants or substance abuse, gaming, internet use, depression, sexuality, bullying and much more
SEKASIN - chat
Sekasin chat is a nationwide, widely open chat service for 12–29-year-olds that supports mental well-being and coping with mental health problems. The service is free, anonymous and confidential.
A-Clinics are part of Finland's public healthcare system and provide various services related to substance abuse. They offer outpatient treatment, counseling, and rehabilitation programs. They also have a digital presence, offering information and support online.
They offer activities and services for children, young people and their parents, as well as students, people of working age and the elderly. Their goal is to promote well-being by reducing the harmful effects of substance abuse and gambling.
This is a service that provides information and support for individuals dealing with substance abuse issues, as well as for their families and friends.
You can call them, they are dedicated to providing information and support for individuals dealing with substance abuse. It is also free.
MIELI Mental Health Finland
They promote mental health and tries to prevent mental health issues.
Etusivu - Nuortenlinkki - Nuortenlinkki
Sekasin247 | Sekasin-chat //
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