Monday, 26 February 2024


Theme – 04 - Digital Media in Early Childhood Education

It's interesting to note the differences in approach between the Finnish and mostly Western education system, which often integrates digital media into early childhood education (ECE), and the educational practices in my country (Sri Lanka) which prioritize physical activities and kinesthetic learning over digital media and devices. Both approaches have their merits, and demerits and it's important to recognize that there isn't a one-size-fits-all solution when it comes to early childhood education.

In countries like Sri Lanka, where there is not appropriate involvement with digital media in ECE, educators can still incorporate elements of digital literacy and technology in a balanced way that complements the existing curriculum and cultural context.

Continue to prioritize physical activities and kinesthetic learning experiences, as they play a crucial role in children's cognitive development and overall well-being.

While digital media may not be extensively used, educators can still introduce age-appropriate digital tools and activities that align with the curriculum and enhance learning outcomes. This could include incorporating simple educational apps or interactive whiteboard activities that complement traditional teaching methods.


Encourage creative expression and critical thinking skills through non-digital means such as storytelling, role-playing, and hands-on projects. These activities can stimulate imagination and problem-solving abilities without relying heavily on digital devices.


Incorporate elements of Sri Lankan culture, traditions, and local contexts into learning experiences. This can include storytelling sessions featuring traditional folk tales, exploring local wildlife and ecosystems through nature walks, or engaging in community-based projects.


Take advantage of Sri Lanka's natural beauty and diverse landscapes by organizing outdoor excursions and field trips. This allows children to connect with nature, learn about environmental conservation, and engage in physical activities outside the classroom.


Foster strong partnerships with parents and communities to support children's learning both at home and in school. Provide resources and guidance on how families can facilitate learning experiences that integrate technology in a balanced way, respecting cultural values and preferences.

By adopting a mindful and culturally sensitive approach to integrating technology in early childhood education, educators can ensure that children receive a well-circulated education that addresses their developmental needs while preparing them for the digital world in a way that is respectful of their cultural context.


By using digital media selectively and purposefully, ensuring it enhances learning experiences without overshadowing hands-on activities. For example, educators might use relative apps or interactive whiteboards for certain lessons. One advantage is that digital media can enhance visual and auditory learning experiences. ( More into kinesthetic learning approach) However, over-reliance on screens can hinder social interaction, limit physical activity, and potentially lead to screen addiction if not carefully monitored.

Advantages of Digital Media on ECE

  • It Prepares children for technology use in the modern world.
  • It Enhances visual and auditory learning experiences.
  • It Provides access to educational content and resources.
  • It Can cater to different learning styles.
  • It provides accessibility to interact with global cultures  


  • If Overuse of digital media can detract from hands-on, sensory experiences Excessive screen time can lead to health issues like eye strain and obesity.
  • May hinder social interaction and communication skills development
  • Addiction to screens will decrease the emotional feelings which leads to loss of humor and sensitivity.
  • Requires careful monitoring and supervision to ensure age-appropriate content and usage.

Social media and Finland's younger generation

Finland's youth population was significantly using social media, including myself, which is consistent with the nation's general trend of high internet and social media penetration. In Finland, most young people have access to the internet, and internet penetration is high. The widespread use of social media platforms has been made easier by this and they use social media sites like Facebook, Instagram, Snapchat, and Twitter often. These social media platforms facilitate content sharing, networking, and maintaining relationships with loved ones.

As we all know, Finland is a country that values education, especially digital literacy. Young people frequently possess a strong awareness of digital privacy, how to navigate online environments, and how to critically assess content found on social media and they have taken to incorporating modern technologies into schooling has gained them recognition. Social media use in particular is frequently considered as a tool for improving educational opportunities and encouraging young people's creativity.

Finland has taken action to increase awareness and educate young people about the effects of online harassment because it recognizes the importance of fighting cyberbullying. Programs to combat bullying are frequently incorporated into school curricula, and campaigns to promote responsible and polite online conduct are undertaken. The purpose of educational programs established in young people the value of responsible online conduct, which includes using digital platforms in an ethical manner, respecting the privacy of others, and being aware of the possible repercussions of sharing offensive content. However, concerns about children and teenagers spending too much time in front of screens have been actively addressed by Finland. Parental guidelines and education campaigns stress the value of keeping a balance between screen time and other activities, such exercise and in-person social contacts. Digital literacy is highly valued in the Finnish educational system, which makes sure that students have the knowledge and abilities to safely and critically explore the internet. This involves learning how trustworthy internet sources are and improving your critical thinking abilities.

Young people in Finland frequently use mobile devices to access social media, in line with worldwide trends. Platforms and apps focused on mobile devices are popular with this group of users. Young Finns use social media as a forum to share their ideals, hobbies, and cultural identities. It offers a forum for connecting with like-minded people and expressing oneself. The Finnish government has been actively involved in promoting digital literacy and safe online practices among young people. Various initiatives aim to equip them with the necessary skills to navigate the digital landscape responsibly.

Although social media offers plenty of advantages, it also has drawbacks, especially for young people in Finland and other countries as well. Online platforms offer anonymity and distance, which may be factors in the prevalence of cyberbullying. Social media harassment, threats, and exclusion can negatively affect young people's mental and emotional health and overuse of social media has been connected to mental health issues like loneliness, depression, anxiety and along with other excessive screen time, can cause addiction-like behaviour. Young people's sleep patterns, physical health, and general well-being may all suffer as a result. And also, Social networking sites frequently present a carefully selected and imagined version, which raises impossible standards of beauty. For young people, this can result in low self-esteem and problems with body image when they compare themselves to virtual representations. Moreover, it’s possible that young people don't always fully understand the privacy dangers involved with sharing personal information online. On social media, oversharing and dangerous behaviour can have long-term effects and Misinformation and disinformation can come via social media. It is possible for young kids to be exposed to inaccurate or misleading information, which could affect how they see the world and current events. According to my references, Finland as well as globally being made efforts to solve these kinds of problems through governmental initiatives, education programs, and awareness campaigns. I think it seems like the best plan to pursue for a better tomorrow.




Report: Young people follow traditional media sources, but use new methods | Yle News | Yle

Survey: Finnish youngsters envision social media being about influence and equality – online bullying concerns them (

Wednesday, 21 February 2024

 Young people using Social Media.

Digital media plays a significant role in the lives of younger people today. They are continuously interacting with a digital environment that presents both advantages and disadvantages. Digital media's impact on the younger generation is complicated and always modifying, from peer connections and information availability to managing problems such online harassment and digital addiction. Understanding the complicated nature of their digital encounters is essential in fulfilling their needs and building a positive relationship with technology.

“A new Pew Research Center survey of American teenagers ages 13 to 17 finds TikTok has rocketed in popularity since its North American debut several years ago and now is a top social media platform for teens among the platforms covered in this survey.” (Vogels.E, Watnick.R, Massarat.N 2022).

According to the research that I have mentioned, most of the youngers use the app TikTok. But in the past Facebook took a part of the youngers’ lives. As well as it shows addiction for the Tik Tok app. Not only that Instagram, Snapchat also dramatically increased in past years but not much TikTok.

Trends on social media, including those from TikTok, are having an increasing effect on education. Many trends are harmless, but some threaten school property and student safety at danger. It's critical that school administrators keep up to be updated on the latest social media trends and have open discussions with youngsters about the dangers and consequences of adopting specific trends.

“In recent weeks, the hashtag "deviouslicks" or the "bathroom challenge" has been trending. This trend encourages students to record themselves vandalizing school bathrooms and stealing school property.” (ESD112 Insurance programme)

This challenge has caused a nationwide increase in the theft of different goods from schools, including signs, restroom mirrors, Covid supplies, and fire alarms. Due to this trend, schools have been obliged to implement systems for approving bathroom usage, close restrooms, increase surveillance in the restrooms, and take disciplinary action against pupils. Teachers and staff are actively teaching kids about the ramifications of taking part in these challenges, with a focus on possible legal and school discipline.

The "dry scooping" is a well-liked but risky trend. When someone engages in "dry scooping," they swallow a scoop of protein or pre-workout powder without first combining it with water. It has been observed that this concentrated eating caused struggle to breathe, heart attacks, high blood pressure, and brain enlargement.

Young people can optimize the positive aspects of digital media use while limiting any potential negative effects by using it mindfully and in moderation, which will ultimately result in a satisfying and happy digital experience.


TikTok trends and challenges. ESD112 Insurance Programs Risk Alert. Accessed on 21.02.2024.

Vogels.E, Watnick.R, Massarat.N.2022. Teens, social media and Technology.21.02.2024.

Monday, 19 February 2024

Unveiling the Social Media Landscape in Finland: Trends, Influencers, and Risks

 Radhipa Fiona Perera on 19 Feb. 2024

"In the 2023 survey, more than 30 percent of individuals aged 18 to 24 reported that their primary news sources in Finland were social media and blogs. All other age groups had percentages below this figure." -  
In the digital age, social media has become an integral part of the lives of young people. Finland, known for its technological advancements, offers a fascinating landscape for social media research. In this blog post, we'll delve into three key aspects: young people's social media use as depicted by research, the power of influencers, and the trends and risks associated with a specific platform.

Young People and Social Media in Finland: A Closer Look at Research

In Finland, it's important to understand how young people use social media. Many studies have been done to explore this. Researchers look at things like how social media affects mental health and which platforms Finnish youth prefer. These studies help us see the details of how young people in Finland interact with digital platforms. The results give us valuable insights into how social media influences the lives of the younger generation.

Study No.1 : BLENDED LIVES: ICT Talk among Vulnerable Young People in Finland (2016) by Camilla Granholm

This article presents a qualitative study on the use of Information and Communication Technology among Finnish youth participating in training programs outside formal employment and education. The study utilizes data from focus group and individual interviews with young participants, along with a focus group interview involving supervisors. The analysis is based on McQuail's theory of individual media use motives. Key Findings were:

Ø  Young people primarily use ICT for entertainment purposes.

Ø  The use of ICT among young individuals is diverse, with participants choosing tools and interaction dimensions that best fulfill their needs.

Ø  Young people express a preference for face-to-face communication when dealing with severe issues, such as health-related or emotional problems.

Read more: Blended Lives ( 

Study No.2: “THE ROLE OF SOCIAL MEDIA IN FINLAND TODAY - how communication changed overnight” (2017) by Sanna Koivunen

The thesis aimed to explore the use of social media by Finnish young adults in 2017, considering its evolution and impact on communication. Using a qualitative approach with 47 respondents from various locations in Finland, the study found:

Ø  Facebook, WhatsApp, and Instagram are the most frequently used platforms among Finnish millennials. YouTube, Spotify, Pinterest, and LinkedIn are commonly used alongside mainstream social media.

Ø  WhatsApp is preferred for messaging, Facebook for reading others' posts, and Instagram/Snapchat for sharing pictures; Twitter lacks a specific use.

Ø  Valued features in social media were messaging, pictures, the free-to-use aspect and forming groups is highly valued for connecting with multiple people simultaneously.

Ø  The primary reason for use was found as communication with friends while other usage reasons were reading others' posts, communicating with family, and sharing pictures, work-related reasons

Read more: Title of thesis (

Study No.3 : SOCIAL MEDIA ACTIVITIES IN FINLAND: A population-level comparison (2018) by Titiana Ertiö, Iida Kukkonen, and Pekka Räsänen

In the Web 2.0 era, where consumers actively participate in online content creation, this study delves into Finns' social media activities, focusing on content creation, engagement, and sharing. Analyzing data from Statistics Finland representing individuals aged 16 to 74, the findings revealed:

Ø  Finns predominantly see themselves as occasional commentators. Approximately 1 in 5 Finns consider themselves active contributors.

Ø  Most users engage in commenting on other people's posts (57%) and reading blogs (52%); sharing content only 40%.

Ø  Women are more likely to engage in social media practices, especially reading blogs and sharing content. Older users are less likely to participate in reading blogs, sharing content, commenting on posts, and publishing own content. Higher education is positively associated with reading blogs, publishing own content, and sharing content on social media. It was also found that employed individuals are less likely to perform these activities.

Read more: Social media activities in Finland: A population-level comparison - Titiana Ertiö, Iida Kukkonen, Pekka Räsänen, 2020 (

Study No.4: “CHANGING PATTERNS OF SOCIAL MEDIA USE? A population-level study of Finland” (2019) by Ilkka Koiranen, Teo Keipi, Aki Koivula & Pekka Räsänen 

The article examines how social media use in Finland changed from 2008 to 2016, using data from a representative population. It looks at the evolution of social media across different socio-economic and demographic groups in advanced information societies, especially in Finland. The study found:

Ø  Social media use has increased for all population groups in Finland from 2008 onwards, aligning with global technological trends.

Ø  Younger individuals were found to be more active users.

Ø  Rural areas showed lower usage rates and metropolitan regions demonstrate higher usage

Ø  Women have been slightly more active social media users since 2010, with a diminishing gap between genders since 2012. Female participants tend to favor social media for relationship purposes.

Read more: Changing patterns of social media use? A population-level study of Finland | Universal Access in the Information Society ( 

Traditional Media vs. Social Media: The Influencer Power Play

How much power does influencers have? And why?

1. Reach and Follower Count: Influencers with a large number of followers have a broader reach, potentially increasing their impact when sharing content or promoting products.

2. Engagement Levels: The level of engagement, such as likes, comments, and shares, indicates how actively an influencer's audience interacts with their content, reflecting a responsive audience.

3. Niche and Expertise: Specialization in a specific niche or industry establishes credibility and trust, giving influencers more influence within that particular domain.

4. Authenticity and Trustworthiness: Influencers perceived as authentic and trustworthy build stronger connections with their audience, fostering greater influence.

5. Impact on Purchasing Decisions: An influencer's ability to influence their followers' purchasing decisions is a key measure of their power, often leading to brand collaborations.

6. Media Channels and Platforms: The choice of social media platform can affect an influencer's reach and effectiveness, as different platforms attract diverse demographics.

7. Trendsetting and Cultural Impact: Some influencers have the power to set trends and influence broader cultural discussions, extending beyond product promotion.

8. Consistency and Longevity: Influencers who maintain consistency in content quality, messaging, and engagement over time may have more enduring influence.

Now let’s analyse the above with a famous Finnish influencer - Joalin Loukamaa

Obviously all Fins would know who Joalin Loukamaa is, but for those who don’t know - she is a Finnish singer, dancer, and social media influencer. She gained popularity through her involvement with the multinational girl group Now United which is known for bringing together artists from various countries, showcasing their talents in music and dance.


1. Follower Count and Reach: Joalin Loukamaa's followers count over 3.1 M only in Instagram. Her popularity in Now United might have contributed to a significant following.

2. Engagement Levels: Her very recent Instagram post has 34,3 K  & 1213 comments. Such high engagement indicates an active and engaged audience.

3. Niche and Expertise: Joalin Loukamaa is known for her expertise in singing and dancing. Most of her posts align with her professional background, showing her credibility in the entertainment industry.

4. Authenticity and Trustworthiness: Her posts don’t show any conflict of interest and it could be said that she is transparent in her communication.

5. Impact on Purchasing Decisions:  She has been involved in brand collaborations such as with Valentino Beauty ,  SPR Kontti  etc.  Therefore, her recommendations could influence the purchasing decisions of her followers.

6. Media Channels and Platforms: Joalin is active in many social media platforms such as Instagram, TikTok, Twitter, YouTube etc. Most of her followers are young adults and teenagers.

7. Trendsetting and Cultural Impact: since her band 'Now United'  is multi-cultural, she shows respect for different cultures. In one of her posts she writes , "We are all equal, We all deserve the same opportunities, same treatment, same respect and same love."  This post gets 495,273 likes - that's more than what she has received for her other posts.

8. Consistency and Longevity: Joalin has been on Instagram from December 2018 and since then has shown consistency in sharing post as she makes sure to post every week, sometimes even in consecutive two days.  This makes sure that her content is timely and it helps her to be connected with her fans.

9. Reliability as a Source: Majority of her posts consist of photographs of her taken prior to events or outings in fashionable outfits. Since her followers show positive attitudes, comments for her post it can be said that her fans well-receive her fashionable trends and poses.

It's crucial to note that while Joalin provides insights into her life, social media influencers like her, may not consistently offer reliable information. However, it's essential to approach social media influencers with a critical mindset, recognizing their primary role in entertainment and promotion rather than relying on them as conventional sources of factual information. For accurate and up-to-date information, cross-referencing with various sources, including news outlets or official statements, is recommended.

Trends and Tools: Navigating a Social Media Platform

We're going to check out the trends on a popular social media platform – Instagram. 

Trends on Instagram:

Instagram; shortened as ‘Insta’ has some cool trends right now. People love making short videos called Reels that are funny or interesting. Also, everyone likes seeing real and honest posts instead of ones that look too perfect. People often work with brands to show their products in posts. People also use fun features like polls and quizzes to make their posts more interactive.

Risks on Instagram:

Instagram is fun, but we need to be careful too. Sometimes, we might share too much personal stuff without realizing it. There can be mean comments or messages, and that's not good. Feeling the need to always look perfect on Instagram can also make us feel not so good about ourselves. And be aware, sometimes the information we see might not be true. So, it's important to keep things private, be kind online, and not believe everything we see.

Social media expanding representation and diversity among young people

Social media is like a super cool hangout spot for young people nowadays. It's not just about sharing pictures and memes; it's a place where you can find others who really get you. One awesome thing about it is that you can choose who to follow – people who are like you or who you look up to.


Think about it like this: Back in the day, TV and magazines didn't always show all the different types of people out there. But on social media, it's different. You can connect with people from all over the world, from different backgrounds and cultures. It's like having a front-row seat to a super diverse show.


What's even cooler is that you get to pick and choose who you want to see on your feed. If you're into a particular vibe or interested in something specific, you can follow people who share that stuff. It's like having your own personalized space online.


Seeing people like you or who share your interests can make you feel like you belong. It's not just about looking at pictures – it's about feeling represented. You might find someone who challenges the usual ideas of what's considered cool or normal. Social media lets you redefine what's awesome and be proud of who you are.


Beyond that, social media is a place where young folks can team up for a cause. It's not just selfies and filters; it's also about standing up for what's right. You can join with others who care about the same things, whether it's the environment, equality, or other important stuff. It's like a digital clubhouse for making a positive impact.


So, social media isn't just a way to kill time; it's a space where you can express yourself, find your people, and change the world a little bit – all from your phone or computer. It's pretty amazing how a bunch of likes, shares, and follows can lead to some real-world connections and make the internet a more awesome place for everyone.

Digital media in Early Childhood Education.

It's important to introduce digital media to preschool-aged children in a systematic and structured manner. Establish clear guidelines for using devices and choose content that is appropriate for the user's age. Offer youngsters opportunity for hands-on exploration so they may pick up the fundamentals of gadget navigation. Introduce instructional games and apps that support literacy and numeracy, two early learning objectives. Encourage groups to play with digital gadgets by incorporating them into learning centers and classroom activities. From the start, emphasize the importance of digital citizenship and safety practices.  

Digital media in preschool education has benefits and drawbacks. Digital media, on the one hand, offers multimodal and interactive learning experiences that captivate kids and improve their comprehension through a variety of media. Additionally, it encourages accessibility, making educational resources available to children with a range of learning requirements. Furthermore, digital media has the potential to encourage global connectivity by enabling kids to engage with classmates and resources around the world. But too much screen time can be harmful to children’s physical and socioemotional health, so it's important to maintain a balance between digital and conventional play. Furthermore, worries about the digital gap, privacy, safety, and the quality of material emphasize how crucial it is to practice caution when choosing technology and to provide fair access to it. Therefore, even if digital media provides excellent educational opportunities, careful control is needed to minimize any potential negative effects and ensure positive.

Saturday, 17 February 2024

New social workers in the social media era


The way we act and interact with each other, and the way we take part in society have changed a lot and are continuing to do so. We are living in digital time, surfing, chatting, sharing info, giving likes or comments, selling, and buying. All those actions have moved deeply into our lives. on the other hand, this new lifestyle has consequences for public sectors, such as welfare, public health, social services, and education area as well. it has been a crucial task for those people who are working in the mentioned areas to increase the influence in social media so that reaches the younger generations. To provide suitable info and services.
There are many strategies in Finland that social workers could reach to young people.  Online counselling services, offering online counselling services through platforms like Zoom or Skype allow young people to access support conveniently from their homes. These services can cover a range of topics, including mental health, relationships, and education. Besides, mobile Apps are also an effective way to attract young people, Developing or promoting mobile apps tailored to young people's needs can be an effective way to provide information and support. Those features could be mental health resources and local community services.
The common way is the most used social media platform, such as TikTok, ins, and Facebook. Social workers share important info on those platforms since most of the young people are spending significant time on it. it can be an easy way to reach them. For example, the accountant LAAKRI.ANNI(INS: Lääkäri Anni Saukkola), is a doctor specializing in psychiatry and often wears remarkable pink glasses, her content is not just some deep and difficult topics related to mental health,  but she usually posts warm pictures and lovely stories, but also she posts speech campaign so that organizations can invite her to have some speech to youngers offline. It is a good way to attract young people.
Form my side, school bullying issues have to be combined online and offline, and I will choose TIKTOK, INS to show how to protect during various situations and it is better to organize offline groups to help those people who have been bullied before.

Thursday, 15 February 2024

Social media influences on young people

Digital media has more and more influence on our lives, working, studying, and engaging in social interaction, collecting information, following what has happened, and consuming entertainment. The bond between young people and social media has become more and more tight. That has many influences on young people. A study has shown how social media influences young people, “This craze of social media has led to a host of questions regarding its impact on society, while it is agreed that social media affects people’s living. styles and it is an ongoing process to identify the nature of these influences in every society and country, especially on youth.”(Shbir, G,2014)
Social media platforms provide a space for young people to connect with their peers. Those activities, behaviours, and opinions of friend’s social media can influence young individuals' attitudes, beliefs, and behaviours. For example, those challenges about dancing or even dangerous shows that were posted online and then those friends are more likely to be intimated later.
With more and more beautified images or bodies posted on ins or TikTok, which then becomes a trend for young teenagers, Constant exposure to idealized images can contribute to body image issues and lower self-esteem among young people, especially if they compare themselves unfavourably to others.
For the mental health side, excessive using social media has been linked to healthy mental issues, such as anxiety, depression, and loneliness.
Social media has brought significant influences on young people, and it becomes a crucial task for educators, and parents, that is necessary to guide young people to have critical thinking skills and healthy online behaviours.  


Shabir, G, Impact of Social Media on Youth: A Case Study of Bahawalpur City, Asian Journal of Social Sciences & Humanities Vol. 3(4) November 2014.

Wednesday, 14 February 2024

Worst TikTok trends

Tiktok is a Chinese app, where you can make videos, watch them and share them.

There are many so called "TikTok trends", and I want to share you the worst trends that has been made. If you are sensitive, I suggest you don't read this post because it contains death!

1. The ice cream licking challenge

So, this is a challenge that happened in 2019. The idea was that you had to go to a supermarket, open an ice cream container, lick the ice cream and then put it back. This is a health hazard and no one wants to buy ice cream that somebody has already licked. This caused a lot of waste for the supermarkets, because they had to get rid of all the ice cream.

2. The Benadryl challenge

In this challenge people took excessive amounts of Benadryl, which is a allergy medicine. In high doses you can experience hallucinogenic effects. Sadly, people has died because of this stupid challenge.

3. Eating laundry products

This trend began in 2017. People were jokingly eating tide pods but not everybody knew that it was a joke. Eight people were reported dying from this challenge.

4. The blackout challenge

This was a challenge were people were told to choke themselves until they passed out. This is a very dangerous thing to do. Sadly, this challenge also lead to death of a 10-year old girl.

5. The outlet challenge

The Outlet Challenge is yet another dangerous TikTok trend that involves inserting the prongs of a charger partially into an electrical outlet. People then proceeded to touch the exposed metal, resulting in an electric shock.


I do think that TikTok is a great app, but these dangerous trends needs to stop. We should teach kids more about the dangers in these kind of apps. And to teach them that not everything is true on the internet.😣


Tuesday, 13 February 2024

Globalization and unequal access to educational technological tools

Globalization and education are interconnected in various ways, influencing each other in the modern world.

Technology is everywhere in the new times for most countries. It's a known fact that education and using technology go hand in hand. But how do we talk about the different levels of access to technology and the internet for everyone? Is using computers becoming a new problem we need to deal with?

Picture: Global era, available for free use in

Nowadays, using technology in education is really important for learning new things. But not everyone can easily get access to technology. Some places and groups of people find it hard to use technology in their learning.

To fix this, governments and schools need to make sure that technology and the internet are available to everyone. It's important to help people from different backgrounds and areas use technology for their education.

Another thing to think about is how well people can use computers. As technology gets better, knowing how to interact with computers is like a basic skill. But not everyone gets the chance to learn it. We should try to make sure everyone can learn how to use computers so that they don't miss out on things in the digital world.

In the end, when we talk about education and technology, we should think about how everyone can have the same chances. Making sure everyone can use technology and computers is important for fairness and making sure nobody gets left behind in the digital age.

Monday, 12 February 2024

The Impact of Social Media on Adolescent Mental Health

 In the information age, social media has become an important platform for people to communicate, obtain information, and express themselves. However, the impact of social media on teenagers has also attracted much attention.

Social media provides adolescents with rich communication and information access. First, it can promote social interaction and communication, making it easier for teenagers to keep in touch with friends and family and expand their social circle. Secondly, social media provides them with channels to acquire knowledge and understand the world, enriching their vision and cognition. In addition, social media also provides a platform for teenagers to express themselves and show their talents, which enhances their self-confidence and creativity. For example, my daughter shares her daily life through Xiaohongshu, which has helped her develop the habit of recording her life and is also an interesting way of recording.

However, social media also has some negative effects on teenagers. First, excessive use of social media may lead to difficulties in time management and interfere with studies and other important activities. This problem also occurs to my child, Shin, who cannot control her curiosity and desire to explore and will come home and look at her cell phone or iPad first, and start doing her homework only after she has had enough, which really affects her ability to manage her time. Secondly, there are problems such as false information and cyber violence on social media, which may hurt adolescents' mental health and interpersonal relationships. In addition, addiction to social media may lead to self-comparison and anxiety, affecting adolescents' self-esteem and self-confidence.

To help adolescents better cope with the challenges posed by social media, we can adopt the following strategies:

-Guide adolescents on the proper use of social media, and cultivate their information judgment and cyber literacy, so that they can learn to recognize false information and deal with problems such as cyber violence.

-Establish communication channels between families and schools to engage in open and cordial dialogues with adolescents to understand their experiences and confusions on social media, and give them appropriate guidance and support.

-Encourage diversified interests and activities among adolescents, guide them to seek positive influences and role models from social media, and cultivate all-round development.

-Remind teenagers to rationalize their time, strike a good balance between social media use and study, rest, etc., and develop good time management skills.

-Social media plays an important role in teenagers' lives, with both positive and negative aspects. Through proper guidance and coping strategies, we can help adolescents better cope with the challenges posed by social media, maximize its advantages, and minimize its negative impacts, so that it can become an aid to adolescents' healthy growth.

Sunday, 11 February 2024

The application of digital media in early childhood education


The global process of informationization and networking has changed people's way of life, the use of digital technology to better mobilize the enthusiasm, initiative and creativity of young children's learning has been in the inevitable need for the development of the times, representing the trend and direction of the development of early childhood education.

  First, digital technology to optimize the teaching process

  The application of digital technology teaching in kindergarten is a new mode of teaching, it can play a great role in optimizing the process of education, improving the quality of teaching, consolidating the effect of teaching, and so on.

  (A) is conducive to mobilizing young children's multi-sensory participation: the organic combination of sound, graphics, animation, digital film, in line with the age of young children, fully mobilizing their multi-sensory, involved in learning.

  (B) is conducive to stimulating young children's innovative thinking and spirit of experimentation: combined with the concept of modern education and the development of young children's cognitive laws of the development of multimedia courseware, it greatly triggered the desire of young children to learn, inspired them to actively participate, free play, and continuous innovation.

  (C) is conducive to improving the wholeness, interactivity, flexibility, and fun of teaching: to overcome the rigid "full of irrigation" education method in other teaching means, multimedia teaching will be a complete combination of knowledge, children in the teacher's guidance, operation, learning, mastering knowledge in the play.

  (D) is conducive to young children's understanding and mastery of the content of the teaching: due to multi-sensory participation, greatly mobilized young children's ability to learn on their own, especially usually inattentive, mischievous children, can quickly understand and master the content of the teaching.

  (E) is conducive to the visualization of abstract things, to solve the problem of other media can not be solved: the abstract knowledge, made into multimedia courseware visualization, anthropomorphism, children, through a story step-by-step explanation, demonstration, young children will soon be able to understand.

  Second, the positive role of digital media technology

  (A) Inspire teachers to keep learning, enterprising and innovating

  Teachers should first update the concept of education, starting from learning the basics of computer to learning PHOTOSHOP, FLASH, POWERPOINT, AUTHORWARE and other production software, through the study, courseware development, competitions and other activities, effectively stimulate the teacher's desire to learn, improve the overall quality of the business, in order to improve the level of teaching and quality of education to lay a good foundation.

  (B) Digital media technology makes the means of early childhood education rich and colorful

  The online world is colorful, interesting animated stories, wonderful teaching programs, and the latest educational concepts, especially the use of colorful, beautiful animation, and vivid sound effects produced by the multimedia courseware, in a dynamic scenario to achieve teacher-student interaction, so that the teaching of a more vivid image, concrete and intuitive.


Saturday, 10 February 2024

Nurturing Young Minds: Digital Media in Early Childhood Education

 Radhipa Fiona Perera on 11 Feb. 2024

Learning with computers and tablets is becoming more common for young kids. So dear teachers and parents who are reading this, it's important to find a good balance between using technology and guiding kids in the right way. In this blog, we'll talk about easy ways to use media with preschoolers, including teach them about media, plan fun activities, and talk about the good and not-so-good parts of using media in early learning.

What is Media Education?

Media education is about teaching people how to understand and think critically about different kinds of media. It helps them learn to analyze and create media content, whether it's on TV, in newspapers, or on the internet. The goal is to make sure people can use and make media in a smart way.

Media Literacy

Media literacy means being good at using, thinking about, and creating media. It's not just about reading and writing but also about understanding what media is telling us. If someone is media literate, they can figure out if what they see or read is fair, where it comes from, and how it affects our world. In today's world, being media literate also means knowing how to use digital tools and be smart about what we do online. Both media education and media literacy are important for helping us use media in a smart and informed way.

Digital Fun for Kids

1. Getting to Know Devices

   -Introduce your little ones to simple gadgets. This sets the stage for future tech adventures. Pick fun apps that match their age, focusing on basic skills for both learning and enjoyment.

2. Playful Learning Games

   - Bring in interactive games that make learning exciting and hands-on. Choose games that match their age and that you can use to teach important concepts like colors, shapes, and numbers.

3. Digital Story Fun

   - Spark creativity with apps for digital storytelling, letting kids express themselves with pictures and simple stories. Talk about the characters and stories, boosting language skills along the way.

4. Guided Discovery

   - Create a safe space for exploration, guiding kids through websites and apps suitable for their age. Teach safety rules and responsible use, ensuring a positive digital journey for the little ones.

Learning About Media in Simple Steps

1. Picture Learning

   - Explore different pictures, both online and in books, to understand and talk about emotions, characters, and stories.

2. Thinking About Stories

   - Talk about digital stories and ask questions to help kids think more about what they see. Focus on different parts of the story to help them enjoy and understand storytelling.

3. Being Nice Online

   - Teach kids how to use devices politely, take turns, and share with others. Start building the idea of being kind and responsible when using technology.

4. Real vs. Make-Believe

   - Help kids know what's real and what's pretend when they see things online. Talk about characters and stories to help them be smart about what they watch and play.

Fun Learning Activities for Daycare and Preschool

1. Creative Digital Art 

   - Have fun with drawing apps that let kids use different colors and shapes to make their digital art. Let their imagination soar with digital creations that express their unique ideas.

2. Learning from Videos and Adventures

   - Pick videos that match what kids are learning in daycare and talk about them together. Take virtual tours to explore new places and make learning an exciting adventure.

3. Teamwork and Coding Fun

   - Work together on digital projects like making a story or presentation to encourage teamwork. Play coding games to introduce problem-solving skills and logical thinking.

4.Music and Magical Experiences

   - Discover digital music apps to create rhythmic tunes and enjoy the world of sounds. Bring learning to life with augmented reality, blending the digital world with real experiences for a magical learning journey.

Advantages and Disadvantages of Using Digital Media in Early Learning


1. Learning Made Fun.

   - Digital tools make learning more enjoyable and help kids understand concepts better.

2. Exciting and Motivating.

   - Fun apps keep children interested, encouraging them to actively participate in learning.

3. Using All the Senses.

   - Digital media lets kids learn in different ways, catering to various learning styles.

4. Getting Ready for the Future.

   - Knowing how to use digital tools prepares children for the technology-filled world ahead.


1. Watching Too Much. 

   - Spending too much time in front of screens is not good for children's health.

2. Challenging

   - Making sure digital content is good and suitable for kids can be challenging.

3. Less Talking, More Screen 

   - Using digital media a lot might mean kids talk less face-to-face with others.

4. Depending Too Much.

- Using digital devices too much might stop kids from growing in all the important ways, like making friends and understanding their feelings.

To embrace the use of technology in early childhood education, it's important to be careful and guide children wisely. By using the above strategies and understanding the advantages and disadvantages, we can create a holistic learning environment that gets little ones ready for what's ahead.

Images from: DreamsTime

Early Byte-sized Learning

Written by Carol Batista Caputo,   Jagath Jayawardena, Gayani Karunarathne,  Radhipa Fiona Perera, Liman Ren, Julia Ruohomaa, Wedala Gedara,...